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Why I'm Running
The Issues
My Supporters
How You Can Help
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Campaign Committee
Honorary Chair
Gail Woolley
   Former Mayor
   Palo Alto
Emily Renzel
Joe Shakes
Senior Campaign Advisors
Pat Burt
Gary Fazzino
Betsy Allyn
Annette Ashton
Anne Ercolani
Len Filppu
Sheri Furman
Elaine Meyer
Enid Pearson
Bob Roth
Harriett Shakes
"Karen has provided outstanding leadership on the Planning & Transportation Commission to preserve Palo Alto's quality of life and to preserve Palo Alto's unique neighborhoods and the environment." -- Gary Fazzino

"I've worked with Karen on a variety of projects. Karen clearly knows Palo Alto and has already given much of her time, energy and expertise for the community's benefit." -- Gail Woolley

"In deciding whether or not to endorse Karen Holman, I considered many factors: intelligence, common sense, connection and commitment to community, respect for our neighborhood associations and for city staff, experience in public service, humility, decisiveness, courage, and independence. On each of these 10 factors, I give to Karen an A+, and thus, my unqualifed endorsement.

There are some major issues coming before the council next year, among them a rethinking of our approach to housing development.
We need competent leadership and courageous voices. Karen will provide both." -- LaDoris Cordell, Palo Alto City Council

  Updated: 10/14/2005 Contact: karen-holman@lists.sonic.net Karen Holman for City Council ID# 1278493